Thursday, December 14, 2006

No More Melting

The U.S. Mint has now banned the melting of pennies and nickels. That's right, the pennies and nickels in your pocket are now worth more melted down. A nickel is 25% zinc and 75% copper. The metal in the nickel is worth 6.99. Including the cost of production, it costs the government 8.34 cents to produce a nickel. The modern penny today is 2.5% copper and 97.5% zinc. The metal is worth 1.12 cents and with the cost of production, it is worth 1.73 cents. If you own a penny made before 1982 it is made of 95% copper and 5% zinc. It's value being 2.13 cents. The penalty for melting pennies or nickels, up to 5 years in prison and/or a $10000 fine.

What to take from all of this. First off, the value of american currency is not even worth what it costs to make it any more. Secondly, I find the whole thing slightly humerous. The things the government does...

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