I am going to write about some BS that occurred yesterday that really has me absolutely beside myself. The government shipped 363 tons of $100 banknotes to Iraq yesterday. Pardon my language but WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING? The total amount was 12 billion USD. They just print of 12 billion USD and send it. If you think that the dollar is going to be worth anything here, you're experiencing some severe denial. This is nothing short of a crime on the American people, and the funny thing is that the USD index has gone up the last two days. There's some shady business going on and the strength of the dollar can't last long with actions like this.
I try very hard, often to no avail, to stay away from the political side of things. I like to keep things focused on the economic side, but being that the two are often tied together, it can be rather tough. So if you don't want to hear any politics stop reading now. I am not a republican or a democrat. I consider myself pretty much a free market libertarian. That doesn't matter to me though, because I really could care less what the government does. I just want to make money, and help you the readers make money off of their actions. If you expect any high powered officials, here in the U.S., to make ANY decision that is good for this country and the people inside of it, your joking yourself. The only thing that they want to do, is post pone the inevitable and maybe try to inflate their way through this economic mess they've created, protect special interest groups, and put money in their own pockets. I'm in a furious rage right now.
I often say that the democrats screw everything up while they are in office, and the republicans screw everything up for the politicians that follow them. I'll explain. Being that you know I'm a libertarian, I definitely believe in as little economic government influence as feasibly possible. From a microeconomics policy, the more government influence in the form of taxes, subsidies, price floors/ceilings and government programs that there are the more dead weight loss which follows. Those liberals love to spend their money. The republicans, on the other hand, wreck the future. Their lose policies and defense spending has rendered an economic situation in the U.S. that is unsolvable. The problem is that they would rather post pone what is to come than deal with it now. This only makes it worse, much worse.
I believe that Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the U.S. Right now, she can do no wrong and always says the right thing. To me she's just as much of a pig as the next guy/girl in politics, but that's not the point. I also believe that the next president, whoever he/she may be, will take a lot of the blame for the economic mess that will follow. I sure wouldn't want to inherit the office right now. Now, I feel that a woman is just as inclined to the office as any man, and would be a good thing for young women everywhere to look up to. I guarantee that whoever the next president is will "fail" miserably in the public eye. I believe that when the house of cards that our economy is collapses, the next president will take the brunt of the blame. So let me ask you, would it be a good thing if or when the first woman president in the history of the U.S. crashes and burns because of an insolvable situation be a good thing for future women politicians? I doubt it. It will have to take a real special HONEST president to lead us through this mess and take the losses as they come. I'll believe it when I see it. Now that I've gotten all that political garbage written down I can keep it to a bare minimum in the future.

Friday, February 9, 2007
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